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  1. Awesome! Thanks a lot @Unknown025! 🍻
  2. Hi Team. Is it possible to change my main domain from silvioprog.heliohost.us to silvioprog.dev? TIA
  3. Hm... I sent it accidentally (internet problems), but all cron jobs can be deleted from my account. However, my site still offline: http://brookframework.org/. And when I try enter in the cPanel: "The login is invalid." When I try to renew: "Your account has been suspended. If you think this suspension is in error you can find support by posting on our forum at helionet.org. " [cut] Can you check if my account still suspended? Thank you!
  4. a. brookfra b. Stevie c. brookframework.org Can you unsuspend my account and tell me the reason it was suspended? Thank you! P.S.: I'm not sure about the server, is there some place to get this information?
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