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  • Birthday 12/30/1957

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  • Location
    NW Maine - North of Rangeley, Maine
  • Interests
    I'm old and retired. I'm happily retired. As I write this, I am in Panama City Beach, Florida. Though, I suppose, I'd probably want to not use VNC to show my real IP address.

    I'm a bit of a geek. Right now, I'm using a Live USB (Lubuntu), to connect to a VNC controlled server at my house in Maine that is running Lubuntu as well. On that machine there are a number of Virtual Machines. I am not using one at the moment.

    Sometimes I am and sometimes I am actually using a VPN. It depends on how much I want to mask my traffic. In this case, not at all.

    Anyhow, I'm pretty much just a geek. I worked in traffic modeling (vehicular and pedestrian), sold, and retired. I have a bunch of things to geek-out on and we'll see where I go from here.

    Right now, I'm trying to see what one can accomplish free of charge - using nothing but free services and effort. I'm not sure where it leads but it should be interesting. I'll see if I can keep it updated somewhere.

KGIII's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



About Me

I was born to a career Marine and his lovely wife, who has now passed away, near the end of 1957. That's right. I'm pretty old.


I was pretty poorly behaved so my parents sent me off to school because I tested really well and, back then, they assumed that meant you were smart. Truth be told, I'm not that smart - I just test well. I don't retain or hold things for very long unless I put a whole lot of effort into it.


After a year of bumming around, I too joined the Marines. I did four years, went to school for four years, and then returned to the Marine Corps. I loved the GI Bill and used that last four years to get my Ph.D in Applied Mathematics from a well known higher learning institute. (My avatar should give a good hint as to where I got my papers from.)


I worked in traffic modeling. In fact, I'm that David guy who kind of got the ball rolling with doing it on a computer. It was vehicular traffic at first but we later expanded to pedestrian traffic modeling as well. (Pedestrian meaning things like malls, stores, arenas, and even outdoor venues - things like entrance and emergency traffic flow designs.)


I sold in 2007 - finalized in 2008 which was when I could divest my shares in the now parent company. I did pretty well.


So, why am I on a free site? That's a good question - considering I have co-lo hardware and hardware aplenty at my home in Maine. I'm trying to prove a point. I'm also trying to win a bet, a bet of sorts, that says that I can make something reasonably popular without *investing* anything to get it started up. (Once it is running then it can pay for upgrades and things like that.) I'll have to see where it goes.


That's why I am here. I don't know a whole lot but I've done a lot of this sort of thing before - strictly as a hobby.. I have absolutely no artistic skills but I can code a bit. I used to do some work with the SMF people (I was on the official team, did plug-ins, and did support) but I grew tired of answering the same questions over and over and I had someone in my life who was keen on ensuring that I was not able to enjoy myself. They're gone now.


We'll see where it goes and I'm here. I'm able/willing to do what I can to help out. I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions. I might even have an answer or two - or know where to find them. If anyone needs anything, just yell.


This site, the one in question on this server, is:



The other one that I'm working on is:



Note the https://? It's possible to get a free certificate and it's valid. You can pick it up at;



At any rate, we shall see where it goes. Hopefully it reaches the point where it funds itself and anything additional funds generated can go to a cause that's voted on by the users. It should be a good learning experience and a good time should be had by all.

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