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Posts posted by Beluga

  1. I've set up a forum and will probably install ZB Block to get better protection from spammers:




    I guess it will protect from other nuisances as well, but I'm no security expert. Wonder, if it would help Heliohost in general, if people protected their sites with this?

    It uses http://stopforumspam.com/ database, blocking by IP and I'll set it to block IPs a year old at maximum.. Pity it isn't possible to define the age as months, because legitimate IPs can get blocked by accident. phpBB only has a mod that blocks by username/email obtained from the stopforumspam-db.

  2. My guess is that your ISP is blocking port 2082. Can you access your cPanel from a proxy?


    That seems to have been the problem! I can get to the cPanel from for example http://www.safanon.tk/

    Have you thought about using this inbuilt feature of cPanel: http://forums.cpanel.net/f42/cpanel-proxy-119057.html


    I am pretty pissed off at my ISP, because they said all ports are open and I can't think of any reason to block *outgoing* ports like this.


    I can't upload files through a proxy, or is there some proxy that allows that?

    Ftp is giving me timeout.

  3. Got my account working on 27 May, but I still haven't been able to login to cpanel (timeout). Is it ok to login from Heliohost.org frontpage? Or should I add "/login" to my own address? Says "The requested URL /login was not found on this server.", if I try it, though..

    I've tried to login on many different hours from the front page.

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