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Posts posted by Trespasser

  1. As for the certificate itself, what's the reason you're adamant on using an LE cert over the just-as-functional Comodo one? Most of our users had been begging us for something automatic because they didn't like dealing with renewing them.


    I prefer to manage everything myself. And I really want to know the reason why my certificate was replaced.


    There may be a bug with your AutoSSL feature which you probably would like to fix.

  2. It looks like your certificate was either expired already or really close.


    My certificate should has been valid until October 2017. However, when I tried to re-download it using acme-client, no valid certificates for my domain were found.


    It's strange that there were no notifications from Let's Encrypt either. They always send emails before my SSL certificate expire. Maybe I should contact their support as well.


    I renewed my Let's Encrypt certificate and installed it back without any issues.


    If it did, it might have been related to our testing of LE as an autossl provider


    That may be the cause. Could my certificate became invalid if you tried to generate another Let's Encrypt certificate for my domain?

    Or if you tried to update certificate for webmail.trespasser.eu.org, cpanel.trespasser.eu.org, etc, while I am using SSL for trespasser.eu.org and www.trespasser.eu.org only?


    In addition, there were .well-known/acme-challenge directories in my domain folder. But I always delete them after domain verification is completed.

  3. Hello,


    I was using Let's Encrypt certificate for my domain trespasser.eu.org hosted on Tommy. On August 10 (according to SSL data) it was replaced with cPanel (Comodo) certificate

    without my permission or even notification.


    1. So, why certificate was replaced?

    2. Am I allowed to install Let's Encrypt certificate back?

    3. If yes, how to prevent replacements with cPanel (Comodo) certificates in future?


    Best regards,


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