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Posts posted by fxrex

  1. Hi


    I recently got a replacement for an old account which had to be deleted. Unfortunately, I can't set up my old addon domains, even as aliases.


    I get the following error for each previously used domain. 


    (XID pq594c) The domain “abc-xyz.com” already exists in the Apache configuration


    Affected are:





  2. After signing up for the second time with a new username, validating my email, choosing a server and domain name, and getting a congratulatory account creation message, I get this... 


    There is no account in our database that matches that username


    Results are the same whether I try signing in with the username or with the validated email.

  3. Hello,


    I understand I had 4 sub-domains but I was made to understand that bandwidth was the limiting factor. Please let me know what can be done and if my data is safe. I would be happy to delete two or three of the four in the hope that I can retrieve my portfolio page before recruiters happen upon the suspension page.



    a. your HelioHost username: fxrex
    b. the server your account is on: tommy?
    c. your HelioHost main domain: femiige.com

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