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  1. Thanks
  2. Could you please clean up old DNS records for iwsdata.org and drlookgood.com? They were subdomains of my old account. Thanks
  3. Hi I'm not sure why, but my IP was blocked. Please help. Thanks
  4. Hi I recently got a replacement for an old account which had to be deleted. Unfortunately, I can't set up my old addon domains, even as aliases. I get the following error for each previously used domain. (XID pq594c) The domain “abc-xyz.com” already exists in the Apache configuration Affected are: data-solve.com wreckfx.com criris.com iwsdata.org
  5. Your account has not been created yet, but it should be soon. Refresh the page to check again. Does this usually take longer than an hour? Or is there some other problem? Do I simply use an xyz.heliohost.org domain as my main domain?
  6. After signing up for the second time with a new username, validating my email, choosing a server and domain name, and getting a congratulatory account creation message, I get this... There is no account in our database that matches that username Results are the same whether I try signing in with the username or with the validated email.
  7. Hello, I understand I had 4 sub-domains but I was made to understand that bandwidth was the limiting factor. Please let me know what can be done and if my data is safe. I would be happy to delete two or three of the four in the hope that I can retrieve my portfolio page before recruiters happen upon the suspension page. a. your HelioHost username: fxrex b. the server your account is on: tommy? c. your HelioHost main domain: femiige.com
  8. Hello, I need help unsuspending this account. Server: stevie Primary Domain: www.femiige.com Thanks
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