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Everything posted by raqbul

  1. Perfect! Everything is up and working. Thank you very much for all the help wolstech. Best Regards,
  2. I need to change my main domain, please. The current one is raqbul.helioho.st, but I need to change to bulnesabogada.es.eu.org (or add a new one). Thank you. Best Regards,
  3. Then yes, please, reset my account. I already have a backup. Always is better start fresh to avoid issues. Thank you. Best Regards,
  4. Thank you so much, wolstech. It finally works! Anyway, I have no problem resetting my account... Do you recommend it for avoid any future problems? Best regards,
  5. Hello, I'm trying to deploy a backup of my website (an instance of Wordpress) from the old cPanel, but I'm having troubles getting it up and running. The problem I'm facing is that my domain is not redirected to my document root. Instead, the Plesk login screen is shown. As stated in the FAQ, I tried to create a directory in my home, named public_html or httpdocs. None of them seems to work. What is wrong? Do I need to ask you for a reset of my account? This is my site info: Host: johnny User: raqbul Domain: bulnesabogada.es.eu.org Best regards,
  6. It works again. Thank you. Through cPanel, I have found a page named "Account Load" under Metrics (I had never seen it before), which shows that my account had a high consumption of memory today, so I guess this is the reason of suspension.
  7. Hi, My account have been suspended today and I know why. I run a wordpress site since a lot of time and never had any problems with it. Could you enable my account? Username: raqbulDomain: bulnesabogada.es.eu.orgServer: Tommy Thank you,
  8. Great! Thanks to both of you.
  9. Thank you Byron. I have created the account on Tommy and changed domain. Could you rename my forum username to its original? Best regards.
  10. Hi. I need move account from Stevie to Tommy. I have already an invitation through donation. Account details are: User: raqbulDomain: bulnesabogada.es.eu.orgCould you free this account and domain on Stevie? Thank you.
  11. My site is online again. Thanks Krydos.
  12. Hello, My database is invisible to phpMyAdmin. Could you restore it? Username: raqbul DB Name: raqbul_wordpress Server: Stevie Thank you.
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