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Posts posted by antonioa

  1. Thanks guys.


    Might have missed this question from above - Are there other "limitations" that folks commonly run it to?

    I wanna make sure I don't mess up as I develop the scripts further - e.g. add database, email ...

  2. I must have missed it in all the excitement around getting my php scripts to work. :)

    Are there other "limitations" that folks commonly run it to?


    Note: Since posting my original comment, I've searched the forums & read about using setcronjob.com to work around the 2 cron job limit.

  3. Hi,


    I found a description of some "cant's" (like, no swearing, pornography, racism ...) but, wasn't able to a link describing more technical "cant's" (like max 3 crons jobs per day - which is what I did to get my account suspended). Can you point me to such a link? I wanna be a good citizen - appreciate the free service. :)




  4. Thanks.

    I wasn't sure how to write the cron cmds so I added 3 jobs.

    Two used: /home/antonioa/public_html/eveningnews.php?mode=X and the 3rd one: eveningnews.php (so, without the /home/... on the cmd line).

    The /home/antonioa/public_html ones worked & I only need 2 so we're good!!


    Question: how do I get the cron jobs to run at a set time eastern?

    My scripts tell me the server is on pacific time so, I'm adjusting for that.

    But, I've seen the scripts say the server is in the europe/paris TZ.

  5. Server: stevie?

    URL: antonioasaro.heliohost.org

    Username: antonioa


    I have 2 cron jobs that run at 5am & 3pm

    The cron jobs call php scripts to post pins on my pebble watch with google news.

    Outside of the cron jobs, I've been running the scripts manually to make sure they work.

    I wasn't thinking this would tax the server to the point of getting my account suspended. :(/&--#62;

    Anyways, for hobby purposes.





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