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Luca Rager

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Posts posted by Luca Rager

  1. Why do you ask about limits? If you're doing mass mailings you should do it elsewhere.


    Thanks for answering me.

    I WON'T do mass mailing. I'm just asking because my last host had great limitations which wouldn't allow me to even accept new registered users!

    I can assure you that I'm a good boy and there's no reason to insinuate anything.


  2. Hey, two question to be sure it's the right host.


    1) Would a download portal be permitted? Note that the files are NOT stored on the site itself, but downloadable

    via external links. Those links will be checked for threats, copyright issues or anyhing against TOS or user safety.


    2) Is the php mail function active? If yes, are there any limits (like mails / hour etc.)



    1. Probably permitted. We won't hesitate to shut you down if we get complaints though.

    2. Read the host site before asking: http://www.heliohost.org/home/features-mai...riptingmenu/php


    It's probably my fault but I didn't find any information wheter php mail() is on or off, or if there are any limits. Could you please help me out?

  3. Hey, two question to be sure it's the right host.


    1) Would a download portal be permitted? Note that the files are NOT stored on the site itself, but downloadable

    via external links. Those links will be checked for threats, copyright issues or anyhing against TOS or user safety.


    2) Is the php mail function active? If yes, are there any limits (like mails / hour etc.)



  4. Hey there, I signed up on (edit:) Thursday, more then 48 hours ago, but my account is still inaccessable/not existent.




    Domain: rogercorp.tk
    Username: lucaaat
    Email: lucaaat@yahoo.it


    Registration Email:


    Dear lucaaat,
    Your hosting account at HelioHost has been added to the creation queue. Here is your account information:
    Username: lucaaat (note: case sensitive!)
    Password: ******
    Domain: rogercorp.tk
    Control Panel URL: http://rogercorp.tk/cpanel
    Please note that it will take up to 24 hours before you can log in, and up to 48 hours before your website is up and running. Also note that your account will be automatically pruned if you do not log in to your control panel for a period of one month.
    HelioHost Staff


    I would really appreciate help.

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