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  1. Good evening, I am surprised to hear about the perl scripts. From my perspective, I was uploading comma separated files to display and query - to be diligent at work. Below, there is a screen shot of some of the same type of php/html and mysql running on other servers. <img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/y8Lf4oCQ6fNWUU9CdRLH9t_s-ozB-999qeiNkscVn9zq72T89URAYw_LM7Mw9ZSxpP9FcA=w1596-h470">
  2. Thanks for the explaination regarding the reset password failure. Is there an update as to what might help with the decision?
  3. I'm not sure how it was suspended. I was probably editing some php and MySQL stuff - apparently before I requested JSP capabilities. Now when I try to rest the password (getting the confimation code emailed), it just eats the code and acts like nothing was processed. (ie at http://johnny.helioh...:2082/resetpass)
  4. admsch1 adminsched.heliohost.org Johnny
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