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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Why am I getting account queued on the domain I've added to my account? http://securecomputer.tk/ My http://securecomputer.heliohost.org is all working fine and I set the nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org Do I need to wait yet another 24 hours for it to work?
  2. Working now, thanks
  3. It's been 48 hours since I created my HelioHost account, but neither my cPanel or site are working. I can't log on via the cPanel login on the HelioHost front page either. Guys, whats wrong with my account? My username is compsec, and my subdomain is above^
  4. Northwestern UK here. Pretty close to Scotland but not in Scotland.
  5. I used to use Gentoo and slackware on my computer I'm running as a server, but now I just run arch on it. But usually I just use my Windows Vista laptop(Nope, no problems with this vista)
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