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  1. It's done, all things work fine now, the new domain with ssl has been tested. thanks!
  2. oh, I have got a dedicated IP before, sorry I didn't mentioned it, thanks for the new one ! I have got a crt for my old domain lifent.heliohost.org but now I want to use lifent.info(I have parked to heliohost) with ssl, I find in the browser that the crt with lifent.info not changed, it's still the old domain, I want the site crt change to my new domain, which I have installed crt with it . maybe I just should wait for your server rebooting, then it will take effect.
  3. LifeNT

    djbob being stupid

    congratulations on coming back, good luck all the way!
  4. ok, I see, hope it get well soon!
  5. anything goes wrong? I can't visit my site and heliohost.org for two times in 5 hours.
  6. I think I should do something to show my thanks, so, I make a donation, it's only $5, please check. maybe there's $1 more--since I was using paypal first time, so I paied $1 as "test" Nice job, guys!
  7. cool work! djbob, thanks, may I ask how about heliohost's next plan? will you keep it free of charge for ever?
  8. Yes. in fact I like the machine which would reboot periodically, even linux, reboot would fix many issues, usually strange issues. the ony thing I take care about is how long it take for rebooting, I find that, when you rebooted, some PC can not get right DNS result, they will take some time to get right IP of heliohost, but others will soon work normally
  9. For private security issue, the contents has been deleted
  10. ok,I see in another thread that "it'll take 24 hours after installation to work. " god, I have reinstalled just now, it means I have to wait to tomorow by this moment..... Does this mean: each time when I change or reinstall my site's certificate, it will take 24 hours always? Does your server reboot periodically(24hours)?
  11. my site is: lifent.heliohost.com, and my user name is: lifent I need a ssl for my site, so can the admin help me? I have installed the crt, it's enough for me. thanks in advance!
  12. I have meet the same problem
  13. For private security issue, the contents has been deleted
  14. For private security issue, the contents has been deleted
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