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  1. Thank you very much.
  2. Hello, check why my account was suspended, please, and unsuspend if possible. The only thing I did was adding a php script to cron to ping another resource maintained by me every 12 hours. More than 4 cron tasks could have been executed when I was configuring it at first. Could it be the cause of suspension? If it is not possible to unsuspend my account, please, give me a notice as soon as possible. HelioHost username: Zrawpubl Server: Stevie HelioHost main domain: dnbgroove.tk
  3. That's very kind of you, thank you very much. Will let you know, if I run across issues, which I'm not able to handle myself.
  4. It seems like I need your assistance again. After your reply, I checked dnbhub.com, it was not reachable, since it was not associated with any IP address any more at the moment obviously, so I succeeded in scheduling DNS records creation from Stevie account [zrawpubl / dnbgroove.tk]. Cpanel displayed AddonDomains list properly, I saw a created record, but I forgot to check availalbe DNS editor for records existence. Everything seemed to be fine (by visiting dnbhub.com some time later, user was - and still is - redirected to 'Account Queued' page) till I noticed that 'Login to your control panel' button leads a user to Johnny's Cpanel, i.e. http://johnny.heliohost.org:2082/. You can check it by yourself following the link: http://dnbhub.com When I log into Johnny account I see no records about dnbhub.com anywhere, where it is possible in Cpanel. Stevie's Cpanel shows nothing about dnbhub.com also, i.e. there are no records for AddonDomains, but there is a FTP account, which was created and associated with AddonDomain folder. Direct my further actions, please. Sorry if the issue bugs you and thank you for your time.
  5. Thank you, the issue is solved.
  6. Hello. I'd like some assistance with addon domains configuration. The situation is: 1. dnbhub.com was added as addon domain to Johnny account, details: zrawprod[main domain - dnbhubmag.tk] 2. later, 1-2 days ago, dnbhub.com was deleted from addon domains list relating to Johnny account, details: zrawprod[main domain - dnbhubmag.tk] 3. now dnbhub.com is to be added as addon domain to Stevie account, details: zrawpubl[main domain - dnbgroove.tk] Step 3 is where I need assistance, because I encounter an error: - if I have a subdomain dnbhub.dnbgroove.tk registered, then Stevie responds: http://dnbhubmag.tk/err_reports/01_subdomain_is_registered.png (it's not quite clear to me, why this leads to an error, but it's not the case) - if I have a subdomain dnbhub.dnbgroove.tk unregistered, then Stevie responds: http://dnbhubmag.tk/err_reports/02_subdomain_is_unregistered.png - this is where, as I understand, you may probably provide help by checking, if domain records for dnbhub.com were completely deleted upon its removal fro addon domains from Johnny account, details: zrawprod[main domain - dnbhubmag.tk] Also, another argument for checking complete dnbhub.com DNS records removal is the fact that by requesting http://dnbhub.com, user is redirected to http://dnbhubmag.tk/err_reports/03_dnbhub_redirect.png with an option and active link to log in to Johnny account. Previously solved: - Stevie + Johnny Account Request - [solved] Ssl Request Thank you for your time.
  7. Hi, I would like to have a SSL certificate for website hosted on Stevie. Stevie account details Username: zrawpubl Main domain name: dnbgroove.tk In this context I have a question about type of certificate available for issue. Most probably I will use several domain names on the account. So, I should make SSL request for each unique domain name - it's clear. Is the procedure the same - a separate certificate - for 3rd level domain names, which I delegate myself, for example http://dnbhub.dnbgroove.tk/, or is it possible to have a wildcard certificate. If it's possible, then how much does it cost, and will I be able to pay with paypal. Previously solved request http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/21540-stevie-johnny-account-request/ Thank you for your time.
  8. I succeeded in Stevie account creation. Will make another post for ssl soon. Thank you for assistance.
  9. I tried and am still trying to register Stevie account (when server monitor shows green for Registrations), but keep getting this error: http://dnbhubmag.tk/0/heliohost_error.png Should I try on?
  10. Username: zrawprod Main domain name: dnbhubmag.tk
  11. Hi, I referred from here: http://wiki.helionet.org/Heliohost_FAQ I would like to have one account on Stevie and one on Johnny. Account on Johnny is already established and is being utilized. Since Stevie has better uptime stats, I'd like to use it to host projects, which require user interaction and meet Stevie's technical capabilities. I'd also like to buy SSL certificate for Stevie account. Johnny will still be used for projects, which Stevie can't handle due it's tech capabilities. Because of Johnny's instability due extended technical functionality, I'm having hard times using it out of development, testing and automated scenarios scope. Thank you for your time.
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