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Posts posted by zoomera

  1. i m getting an error on cpanel access with a script for wordpress. The developer told me the problem is the redirect that goes from the domain cpanel url to a stevie.heliohost.org url. I was told i can remove this redirect with htaccess. Can someone tell me how to do this? Where is the htacess for cpanel? I don't see any redirect code in the public html htaccess file.



  2. i have contacted the script vendor who has looked at the install and he concludes the redirect needs to be removed for my subdomains to be created with this script in cpanel. At the momment when login in to cpanel via my domain/cpanel it is being redirected to stevie.heliohost.org. Is it possible to remove this redirect?


    user: zoom24x




  3. I'm really not sure what this script is doing... so you'll have to ask them about this. Giving somebody the username and password to your cPanel is pretty dubious, though.



    Can you confirm the subdomain url to cpanel is correct? why would i get a cannot connect to cpanel error when everything is entered correctly and i can connect via the browser just fine? Since this is an open public forum i would like to pm you with a short request if possible. please reply.




  4. Oh, never mind. This is actually my bad.


    Okay, try again now.


    im getting other errors now.


    the scripts asks for the cpanel subdomain management url and i put in: http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/...main/index.html


    Is that correct? Because i have added the correct user and pass to the script to access the url but on the final step i get : cannot connect to cpanel url http://testblog.howtomakemoneyebooks.net


    The sub directory is created automatically when i look via ftp and some files are uploaded but not everything i assume due to the cpanel access error.


    i was able to install the script however on step 3 or running the clone i get the following error. any ideas?






    Warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_include=0 in /home/zoom24x/public_html/cloner/clone.php on line 96 Warning: require_once(http://download.wordpresscloner.com/getfile.php?license_id=4211212133&cloner_ip=1091800835&blog_ip=) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/zoom24x/public_html/cloner/clone.php on line 96 Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'http://download.wordpresscloner.com/getfile.php?license_id=11223344&cloner_ip=1091800835&blog_ip=' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/zoom24x/public_html/cloner/clone.php on line 96

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