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Posts posted by tcwwt

  1. Recently my php scripts to access a MySQL database have stopped working. All pages that try to do this only show an error saying that it can't log into the MySQL server. When I tried going into phpMyAdmin, I got a 1045 error.

    I tried changing the password for the database user, but it wasn't recognizing the old password. I then made a new user and added it to the database, and tried again, but no luck. (when I tried changing the password for the new user, it also told me the old password was invalid)

    I've no idea what's going on with the password system, but nothing seems to be working...

    Any suggestions?


  2. HelioHost username: tccwtbnk

    Server: stevie

    Main domain: thursdayconnectionbank.com


    oh, and after browsing down through some of the other suspension posts, I should add:

    After seeing one of the admins say this: "only 2 cron jobs within a 24 hour period"

    I did try running about 5 or 6 CRON jobs to test them earlier....I sincerely apologize if this is why my account was suspended, I didn't realize that was the limit until now...if it's at all possible to unsuspend my account, I only plan on running a single CRON job a week, is this okay?


    I'm sorry for the resource usage

  3. Hey, I've recently started a demonstration project for a class; I'm creating a web app in PHP, and I keep randomly running into "Internal Server Error"...nothing is being output to the error logs, and I can't figure out what's even causing this to happen. It's not a single specific script that causes this, I've gotten them on almost every page at some point. After waiting about a minute or so, it goes away, and the exact same page or script runs correctly...


    What are common causes of an issue like this?



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