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Everything posted by im_me_get_over_it

  1. *im_me_get_over_it see the toothpate and decides to brush her teeth and exposeing Gamemaster_268 starts to hit him witha a giant toothbrush!*
  2. *im_me_get_over_it walks in all alone and sits down at the bar and orders a rootbeer and doesnt associate with othewr ppl at the bar because of being shy*
  3. But the Shopping Cart kept going even tho the ppl all melted to death
  4. (1+7=4)*2 174
  5. Orders a rootbeer as she agrees with awesomegamer!
  6. *puts toast on the ground so im_me_get_over_it doesnt slip and makes toast and jelly at the same time! but instead of eating it, throws it at awesomegamer!*
  7. *hits Gamemaster_268 with the liberty bell* "that's what u get for hittin me with fish!"
  8. *im_me_get_over_it walks into the tavern* *im_me_get_over_it orders a extra large root beer float in hopes of gettin drunk cus im_me_get_over_it is depressed!*
  9. *breaks out the gi-normus q-tips and starts beatin people with them pretty much anyone with eyes!*
  10. Australia where they could live without penguins and panthers and all deadly beasts that wanted to kill them and they could surf and make cheese in peace!
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