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Posts posted by sioui4u

  1. There are other ways to access your files. See http://wiki.heliohost.org/wiki/Uploading_files_to_your_site for details.

    Just go to sioui.heliohost.org/cpanel & login with your username & password smile.gif

    I use a add-ons of FireFox too, it's FireFTP add-ons :) I also log in CPanel by adress http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/index.phpcp.

    Last night, every thing was suddenly ok. I promptly changed the password right away when I discovered that I could access CPanel. The Database error is overcame.

    Today, I can access my site, but when I log in Control panel, it appears a notice : The server at stevie.heliohost.org is taking too long to respond..

  2. Please check your database name, database username and password in your config.php.

    I think you might have changed your account password or something ...

    Tell me if it works ...

    Thanks for your idea! :)

    I agree that the database error due by the change of the account password, after I reset it while I tried to access in CPanel.

    But you know I can't access in CPanel and File Manager, so I can't change the password of my account or password in file config.php.

    What can I do?

  3. Which forum software/script are you using ?

    I use Vbulletin for my forum?

    Have you made any changes to your site recently?

    It runs ok initially, I opened my forum and designed some details at the admincp, but after I uploaded some image files (about 2Mb), it became like now.

    Some days ago, I couldn't access in Control panel, so I reset the password of the account, and many notices of Database error were sent to my mail. Do you think that it can be the cause of the database error??

    Yesterday, when I logged in Control panel, it appeared a notice that I made some violate actions on my account, and I have to wait a time to re-access in Control panel. Something are wrong here?

  4. Hi every one, :D

    Here are some infos about my account.

    Username: sioui (note: case sensitive!)

    Domain: sioui.heliohost.org

    Control Panel URL: http://sioui.heliohost.org/cpanel

    First, thanks Helionet to give me and others a chance to creat a space in the internet, it's very meaning with me!

    My account is actived after 48 hours of the creation. Problem is that i could access into cpanel, but I cannot access to site with the adress sioui.heliohost.org.

    Something is wrong with this account?

    Please help me resolve this problem!



    Sorry, I refresh the page while creating the post so it makes 3 duplicate posts.

  5. We upgraded to PHP 5.3 over last night, and that feature is deprecated in it. Either disable warning notifications, or try to find all uses of "&$" and replace them with "$". You should contact the manufacturer of your software and alert them to this issue, and see if they have a patch.


    Thank you for your help. I just have changed as you advised me in the file includes / init.php and class_core.php.

    Then I checked the products and the problem is vbobtimise product.

    Thank you again for your reply so fast. I really appreciate it! :D

  6. Hi, today I see this error :


    Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/sioui4u/public_html/includes/init.php on line 49
    Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/sioui4u/public_html/includes/init.php on line 97


    I don't know how to solve this problem.

    Can you help me?


    Logged in as: sioui4u

    Site : sioui4u.heliohost.org


    Thank you !

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