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Posts posted by leolink

  1. oh, sorry. But I don't know how to point :(

    I'm using everydns (everydns.com) to point leolink.net to my host leolink.heliohost.org

    I created a A record to point leolink.net to the IP:

    This IP is which I received when I ping from my computer to my host leolink.heliohost.org. I thought I'm right. But actually, am I wrong???

    So which IP address I must point leolink.net to???

    I don't know how to get that IP. Can u show me?



  2. My issue is not an addon domain issue, it's a parked domain issue. So can u help me?

    These are some information of mine:

    1. Username: leolink

    2. Default domain name: leolink.heliohost.org

    3. Parked domain name: leolink.net

    after I parked my domain, I enter to my domain, and this is what i receive:

    Executing in an invalid environment for the supplied user

    So what error is it? Can u help me solve it?



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