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Posts posted by Garret

  1. Free service or not, people using it require proper service. This was the last straw with me because I just lost 2 clients. Thanks for nothing.


    If it was just free - great. But look at the first page:


    "Professional-grade web hosting... with a twist


    You know that old saying: "You get what you pay for?" Well, HelioHost is changing that around. Our feature set beats out most professional web hosts, yet we come without a price tag."


    Guess what: Helio isn't changing anything, and we ARE getting what we pay for. Which pisses me off because it's false advertising.


    Good luck with your future endeavors, but I will be moving to a new host by the end of the week.

  2. Okay, so I'm slicing my estimate. Maybe Saturday? Basically, there are three steps:

    1) Find potentially offending data [done].

    2) Process data into categories of accounts [done].

    3) Move each category to its own IP [script currently running].

    4) Get datacenter to unblock the old IP.


    Note to self: don't forget to change the main account IP back and reenable the signup script.



    Woo Hoo! Glorious news!! Thanks for the info too, good stuff to know.

  3. Hahaha, wow....


    Well, let me be honest here. I think what Trish is saying is that, as it says on heliohost.org's opening page:


    "You know that old saying: "You get what you pay for?" Well, HelioHost is changing that around"


    I think she feels that there is some falling short of that promise.


    In my opinion, Heliohost.org is an excellent product, with great possibilities and has a lot of potential to change the internet hosting market. And there isn't much to be done about a DDoS attack; it's just a modern reality of this computer age we live in. Sure, it's an inconvenience to everyone with hosting here, but I can imagine it's more of an inconvenience for the people who have to fix it.

  4. Your site is up and you need to login with ALL lowercase letters. On another note, we are experiencing a few problems with cpanel login right now so try it a couple of hours from now.



    Great, thank you. I'll try again later.


    I tried resetting my password and never received the email: any chance it's different?

  5. Hey,


    I registered with an outside domain, gkpr.ca, with username GKPR and email gkiel055@uottawa.ca several days ago and I haven't received an email telling me about the activation, and I can't login to cpanel. Any help?


    Thanks in advance

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