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Everything posted by manustays

  1. It seems that this may be an IP blocking issue as when I work on my site I cannot access it sometimes. Have you tried using a proxy? try this: http://goodbyeip.com/ or this: http://thenetweb.co.uk/tnw-webmaster/tnw-proxy I normally password protect thenetweb proxy but have removed it for you. Thanks Stegeorge... I'll remember to try using proxy to pinpoint such problems from next time. My browser had just cached the site when a temporary server problem had occoured and thus was showing that error page Clearing the cache solved the issue!!
  2. Thank u so much Byron!!! Sorry to take ur time over this trivial issue n I feel so stupid now! Problem solved after clearing the cache...and I have been just posting this problem on d forum since yesterday. I'll remember to do these debugging myself first b4 asking on the forum. Thnx again
  3. Thanks a lot to djbob, my parked domain (abhiweb.co.cc) was configured properly. But another problem now!! Since yesterday, none of my domains (main and parked) are working without complete file extension. So, http://abhiweb.heliohost.org and http://abhiweb.co.cc does not work but http://abhiweb.heliohost.org/index.php and http://abhiweb.co.cc/index.php works fine. Please help! Useername: manustay Main Domain: abhiweb.heliohost.org Parked Domain: abhiweb.co.cc
  4. Hi, My site was configured well n was working perfectly till yesterday but today it stopped working n opening main or parked domain (say, abhiweb.co.cc) shows a "HelioHost Account Queued" error-page. Although, I am able to open the site by full file extension, i.e, abhiweb.co.cc/index.php and abhiweb.heliohost.org/index.php By the way, I tried to solve the issue by redirecting the abhiweb.co.cc parked domain to 'index.php' only. Will have to wait 24 hrs to see if it works atleast for that domain. Username: manustay Main Domain: abhiweb.heliohost.org Parked Domain: abhiweb.co.cc Thank you admins.
  5. U r welcome stgeorge, n yes its no gud for our site visitors! By d way, my problem continues even now since morning! And, the problem persists only for me I guess Neither my main domain nor parked domain is working Username: manustay Main Domain: abhiweb.heliohost.org Parked Domain: abhiweb.co.cc [Recently tried to solve the issue by redirecting it to 'index.php'. Gotta wait 24hrs to c d effect] Hope the moderators solve this..
  6. Same problem here. Then I figured out a temporary solution. The helioHost suddenly stops redirecting well to default files. For example, My site (http://www.abhiweb.co.cc) or http://abhiweb.heliohost.org stopped working since this morning and same thing had happened yesterday for hours. But, I am able to open my sites with proper file extensions and hence "abhiweb.heliohost.org/index.php" works fine!! Hope this feedback helps in sorting out the only problem i am facing in this exceptionally great service!! P.S.: The same problem prevails for all domains on HelioHost. Example: helionet.org does not work but heliohost.net/index/index.php works fine during the problem phase!!
  7. Thanks djbob!! m waiting
  8. Hi djbob, Thnx a lot, I was able to add my parked domain perfectly!! The parked domain (abhiweb.co.cc) is visible in the cPanel. Although, when I try to open http://abhiweb.co.cc I get the same ERROR page again : http://abhiweb.co.cc/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi which says: The parked domain is pointing to my public_html directory where my site is : /home/manustay/public_html/ Username: manustay Parked Domain: abhiweb.co.cc Main Domain: abhiweb.heliohost.org Kindly help n thnx again for solving the earlier issue so quickly!!
  9. Username: manustay Default Domain Name: abhiweb.heliohost.org Addon Domain Name: abhiweb.co.cc Hi, I have this issue from many days. Two addon-domain related issues infact: 1. I had added 'abhiweb.co.cc' as an add-on domain and then deleted it to add it again as a parked domain. It was deleted successfully and not seen anywhere in cPanel. But, I cant add it again anymore. Error msg says: 2. I tried to add another add-on domain 'abhionweb.co.cc' as a test. It shows all right in add-on domain manager but the domain does not work. Shows the following page: "http://abhionweb.co.cc/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi" with the following message: I have tried many hosting services but Heliohost seems to be the best of the lot. I look forward to using this service and upgrading as needed. This is the only problem i faced till now. Kindly help! Thank you.
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