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  1. Hi, could proc_open be enabled on tommy please? it used to be enabled i think as when i go through mediawiki updater it now throws " [Wstsrn7KxqJU5mkXOSeOpwAAAgQ] /mw-config/?page=Welcome MediaWiki\ShellDisabledError from line 88 of /home/paladox/public_html/includes/shell/Command.php: Unable to run external programs, proc_open() is disabled Backtrace: #0 /home/paladox/public_html/includes/shell/CommandFactory.php(104): MediaWiki\Shell\Command->__construct() #1 /home/paladox/public_html/includes/shell/Shell.php(120): MediaWiki\Shell\CommandFactory->create() #2 /home/paladox/public_html/includes/utils/ExecutableFinder.php(74): MediaWiki\Shell\Shell::command(string, string) #3 /home/paladox/public_html/includes/utils/ExecutableFinder.php(100): ExecutableFinder::findExecutable(string, string, array) #4 /home/paladox/public_html/includes/installer/Installer.php(894): ExecutableFinder::findInDefaultPaths(array, array) #5 /home/paladox/public_html/includes/installer/Installer.php(491): Installer->envCheckDiff3() #6 /home/paladox/public_html/includes/installer/WebInstallerWelcome.php(34): Installer->doEnvironmentChecks() #7 /home/paladox/public_html/includes/installer/WebInstaller.php(281): WebInstallerWelcome->execute() #8 /home/paladox/public_html/mw-config/index.php(79): WebInstaller->execute(array) #9 /home/paladox/public_html/mw-config/index.php(38): wfInstallerMain() #10 {main} " This is using mediawiki version 1.31 wmf 28. PHP 7.1.15
  2. Thanks, yep. Though php 7.2 seems alot slower then php 7.1 Is it because opcache and apcu is not installed?
  3. thanks, it seems to be missing the mysqli driver so i filled https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/30175-install-mysqli-php-ext-for-php-72-please/ also sorry for late reply.
  4. Hi, please install the mysqli php ext for php 7.2 please. It seems to be missing as on php 7.1 it is working but switching to 7.2 fails in mediawiki due it not finding a mysql driver.
  5. Hi, could these php extensions mbstring, iconv and fileinfo be installed for php 7.2 please? They are required by mediawiki.
  6. Hi, using my old email thomasmulhall410@yahoo.com it will not allow me to sign up. I get to the email part and it just doesn't send the email. I was on the old stevie server. So maybe my email is still on the systems?
  7. Hi I'm wondering could someone free my account up please, because i try to login but keeps saying my password is wrong. If i try to reset my password it brings me to the message about my account was on stevie. Im wondering could someone help please? I would like to sign up to the new server but i can't until my account is freed up. Username = paladox1 Host was stevie Oh it seems you need to request the account to be deleted before moving servers. Could my account be deleted please? domain name is simple-random-wikisaur.ml
  8. paladox2014

    New Website

    Thanks for replying.
  9. paladox2014

    New Website

    Is everyone getting free ssl? Also if you verify your email do you get a bump in storage from 500mb to 1gb?
  10. paladox2014

    New Website

    But you carnt do that if your an existing user. Yeh they doint want you having Mutiple accounts but what happends if a user wants to find the specs of a server to switch. Like eddy is newer then stevie and more powerful. When it launches most users will want to switch to it. ^^ eddy = tommy. Do we have to delete our account then recreate it on eddy? ^^ eddy = tommy. Do we have to delete our account then recreate it on eddy?
  11. Are signups to tommy open to everyone? Since it shows here http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/26231-new-website/?do=findComment&comment=120837 that when you go to https://www.heliohost.org/signup/server/ it allows you to sign up to johnny stevie and tommy. I would like to switch from stevie to tommy but I carnt see it because it won't let current users view the servers.
  12. paladox2014

    New Website

    The new website is hard to find the plans for each server. I carn't find any information on stevie, johnny or eddy.
  13. Hi could someone add monitoring to tommy on http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ please?
  14. Ok thanks. and thanks for replying.
  15. Oh ok. Do you know when we can please?
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