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Everything posted by luckid

  1. not work, this error happend again.
  2. Thank you for your support. hosting account: lucidpad Main Domain: lucipad.heliohost.org Now I found this problem always happen when i attempt to log in cpanel (Not very sure). The Wordpress have been installed and running well, but I remember that i deleted some files/folder under this domain folder. I tested this again, when the following addon domain occur error, another(http://lucipad.heliohost.org/jianai/) seems working fine. sub user: luckid Addon Domain: luckid.com ************************************************* I have copied the /cgi-bin and .ftpquota to this ./luckid.com folder, not work.
  3. I have met this error for several times. Sometimes, when i attempt to open my blog the broswer display the following infomation: Does this result from I didn't set the web hosting correctly? please give me some ideas.
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