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Foots Forecast

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  1. I keep getting a 500 Internal Server Error. This has been happening quite often it seems. It keeps me from accessing my CPanel and other important web application. Username: footfore domain: footsforecast.org or footsforecast.heliohost.org
  2. I want to change the domain I have now from footsforecast.heliohost.org to footsforecast.org do I just change the DNS on footsforecast.org or do I have to change it and add it as a parked domain?
  3. I'm still getting the same error: Dear footfore, Your hosting account at HelioHost has encountered an error during installation. The error is: Sorry, a group for that username already exists. Please visit http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/signup.php and try to signup again. Regards, HelioHost Staff
  4. Byron deleted my account for me so I could register to fix a problem, but now I get an email saying there was an error in the creation of my account cause there was already a group by that name. What should I do? Requested domain:footsforecast.heliohost.org Requested username:footfore
  5. Ok thanks
  6. That's fine.
  7. http://footsforecast.heliohost.org/test.php And currently in my root I only have access-logs, etc, public_html, tmp, and www.
  8. I kind of have two problems. They may be related. First one, I can't seem to get PHP scripts to run. I get 404 errors. Second I was trying to upload with Microsoft Expression and I think it accidental deleted some important folders and files. Username: footfore site: footsforecast.heliohost.org Thanks
  9. My bad. username: footfore domain name: footsforecast.org
  10. When I signed up I put down the domain name my site is currently using else where. Could I get the domain name changed to something like footsforecast.heliohost.org untill I'm ready to switch the domain name to it?
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