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Posts posted by .Juan.

  1. I know, the name of the db and username has to contain your username. I did that, and it's not going right with me.


    And the code isn't very long: simply showing the text "Hallo" to see if the connection is okay. I made it like that before I created the entire register system just in case I had an incident in connecting. Coincidentally, I do. D:

  2. Round. Obviously. There's images from space and a lot other proof that I can't think of right now (DX). What they present is just ignorance and refuse to believe what the world of modern science presents: real information and facts. They're too influenced by these fairy tales.


    If the Earth really was flat, we could simply just fall of the edge, we could just travel from one side to the other in a matter of seconds, or just have no other side of the Earth if everything was on one side. Surely, it's just nonsense (to me at least).


    But that's just my opinion. :3

  3. The question works the same for all of us, or me. I think. Am I just a figment of your imagination? Or are you a small part of my imagination? Do you not exist, and is it only I that exists? That's a fun question, quite interesting. It would be virtually impossible to answer that we do exist. We feel, touch, see, hear and taste things. If we do this, that happens. Same holds true the other way around. So do we really exist? It's hard to tell, but I certainly hope we do. For if we don't, we don't have much to live for. Or do we?

  4. Okay, well, I'm trying to create a register using MySQL and PHP. But first I wanted to test out the MySQL connection first before I made the entire register system. Just in case something goes wrong. And something did.


    I try to connect, but I just get an error saying:

    Access denied for user 'gsrpg_memsdb'@'localhost'


    I don't see what the problem is exactly. I know I got the username, password, and db name correct (not too certain on the location of the mysql server to connect to). I searched the forums and found that the server name to connect to is 'localhost', but if it's not then please say.


    I've tried 'stevie' and 'stevie.heliohost.org' for the server names as well but they haven't worked.


    If anyone could shine any light on my situation, I'd be grateful.



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