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  1. clandianz.ga im not the owner of that? The my Domain Registar says that website is not get so im register it help me! Remove the domain gozoneph.cf in your database
  2. Hi. im registering my domain in heliohost Im the owner of that website Please Delete the Domain in your httpd.conf Help Me!!! Thanks in Advance...
  3. Can You Give me any Free Dedicated IPs Free!!!
  4. I added a SSL Cert in my website i could not access my website in https:// i open http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/ssl/install.html its says " Error from ssl wrapper: Sorry, you must have a dedicated ip to use this feature for the user: plstudio! If you are intending to install a shared certificate you must use the username "nobody" for security and bandwidth reporting reasons. " Help my username is: plstudio Please Help me Please Give any dedicated IP
  5. Username: atom01 Server: Stevie Domain: www.clandianz.ga I dont Know why im suspended WHY??? Please Un Suspend me
  6. iHave no Cron Job Running?
  7. Username: atom01 Server: stevie Domain: clandianz.ga Please come back my site. I dont know why my site is suspended. The lastly i do is upload my images. I dont have any proxy script or iligal uploads that overload your server. please! Come back my site
  8. Username: atom01 Server: stevie Main Domain: clandianz.ga Please unSuspend my account. Please admin. Many members. Are waiting that site. Promise iwill be advert this site in my forum
  9. My site http://www.bnssn.cf/ Is always having a internal server error what should i do? Help Me Please
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