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  1. domain : phatmousebeats.com user name : mousep server : stevie Account is suspended, have been logging in regularly and have no resource overwhelming scripts running on it.
  2. Thanks a million Byron. And thats a cool password I'm keeping it
  3. Good day, I recently had my e-mail address manually updated in order to reset my password but the reset script does not seem to be working as i am not receiving any reset e-mails. Please reset the password for my account: Username: mousep domain: phatmousebeats.com server: stevie
  4. Thank you very much. I just tried to reset the password again and have not received the e-mail, it might be delayed but its not in my spam folder so I'll wait and keep trying. If possible please send me the reset link
  5. Thank you, I clicked on the link
  6. Hi, Could you be so kind as to manually change my registered e-mail address in my account as I am not receiving any e-mails, not the welcome message nor the password reset e-mails and cannot log into my account. Domain: Phatmousebeats.com Server: Stevie Username : mousep I was high on coffee when I registered the account and could have mistyped either the e-mail, password or username. Functional e-mail address is mthkekana(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you in advance
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