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Everything posted by sofija

  1. Hi there i just donated 9 $ (thats all i got on my account :/ ) i hope transaction is ok and the money are on right place and i hope that i will be able to donate again. Best with the new server and thank you for all you service.
  2. Thank you soo much, i will keep my site as it is not adding anything new and untrusted. And about the donation, you guys deserve more. Thank you again.
  3. Hi there, me again, donation is done i guess you need this number Transaction ID: 3MX22945KP7578817 i made with paypal, and i made a backup (i hope i downloaded what i need in any case)... Waiting for the next step.
  4. I'm willing to donate, is there a minimum that needs to be donated? And if i go with donation do i have to download backup and moving my site or will be automatic?
  5. But once i did you a trouble (and learned my lesson) can i still have a chance to get back on tommy with same user name and domain?
  6. Once i did you a trouble on Tommy, then i didnt know what damage can wp plugins do. Now im aware and not adding new plugins, but im afraid that Tommy will not want me there and im afraid to ask for that
  7. Im not sure where to post my question so i will ask here My domain - http://iloveheavymetal.tk Server - Johnny My website is mostly down even if sometimes Johnny is up my website is still down or getting establishing database connection. Is doing up and down all the time and is also slow. Is it something wrong with my website, if so where should i look for the problem. Any suggestion or advice will be much appreciated. Thx in advance.
  8. same with my site too :/
  9. Ty soo much
  10. is there any chance to use my old domains : iloveheavymetal.tk and designzs.tk , i tried to add them on my new account but is says (XID ctyeba) A DNS entry for “designzs.tk” already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed.and same for iloveheavymetal.tk Thx in advance
  11. Thank you again and im very sorry, i really appreciate you work.
  12. working now, thank you and sorry again that i have caused you soo much troubles. Can you help me how to be careful and not to happen again. which software should i use, or i can use wordpress (which i only know) and not adding new unknown plugins? i really dont want to make you troubles again.
  13. it says ilovehm.heliohost.org not available
  14. i really dont want to cause any trouble to anyone, i think i know where i did my mistake (instaling that plugin), i would like to know which is the most safe way and best way this situation to be solved. If is not to much to ask, can you guys tell me what should i do, and what that means to create a new account. Thx in advance.
  15. now, what will be with my account?
  16. done, got my backup thank you a lot.
  17. that would be great only the database, thx
  18. any suggestions Wolstech, what should i do? it is posible that that virus comes with the latest plugin that i got?
  19. so... if there no other choice... can i at least get my backup from my posts and from my theme?
  20. Me? Why? What did i do? Everything was working fine all the time, why would i do anything like that and risk my website? i did remove aksimet plugin cause as free it was not doing anything for me, maybe anything with that?
  21. illegal activity, what that means? and how to avoid?
  22. username: metals server: tommy domain: http://iloveheavymetal.tk WHY?
  23. woowww, thank you again, that was fast Thank you for all your help and wishing you happy holidays
  24. First of all, i want to say thank you to all your team there, if i got again some cash on skrill account i will gladly donate them again, got invite from tommy, and successfully i added one of my domans, but i cant add the other one, i have deleted my account on the server i was using meanwhile, re-added nameservers, but some error with dns showing, say that already exist. here is the error: A DNS entry for “iloveheavymetal.tk” already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed.
  25. now im confused should i make the donation or should i wait a bit, but i think i got the all needed info. and If you don't have a Johnny account, you don't need to delete it. What was your Stevie username so I can check that it's gone. As for the donation, I think the recipient name can be anything. The recipient account's email address should be admin@heliohost.org We are located in the USA. my user name on stevie was: metals, my domain is currently on other server but im not satisfied with their services. hope that will not be a problem. Donation of 6 $ is done: " Thank you!Your transfer has been completed successfully. We are now sending a receipt to you via email, and an email to heliohost to inform them that the money has arrived. " Transaction ID: 1978162618 i hope everything is ok is my first time to use this sevices
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