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Everything posted by sofija

  1. No worries, can u delete that folder that cause the trouble. And first thing when i get a chance i will get extra storage for sure And yes is very old Date: October 22, 2018 at 9:52:13 AM PDT Transaction ID: 9AH0134415683622P Purpose: Heliohost Donate Donation to: Helio Networks Donation from: laetitiabasta@yahoo.com Donation amount: $8.00 USD
  2. I dont know why but i cant pay with my paypal. Is it same if i try to send direct to this email admin@heliohost.org i found in the emails? I have few donations im not sure which is for storage 9AH0134415683622P with 8$ 404661376A225161A with 9$ and this is old i dont thing that is for storage 3MX22945KP7578817 with 10$
  3. Strange im using that cache plugin always never failed me. I was in plan to buy a extra 1000mb, but i need first to check if im able to do. Do i need something special instruction for that? I remember once i have done that but was long time ago
  4. Hello, is me again. I just dont know what happen. I moved my site here and i was not active some time i didnt had time. When i opened my website looked weird but is working and wp too but when i go to heliohost dashboard i saw that my accout is suspended Warning: Subscription was suspended. All your sites are not available. and im sure that my website is not soo big i dont have too much content there. 🤞 Thx in advance Username: hmradio Server: johnny Domain: designzs.tk
  5. Thank you both for the fast support. I have followed Krydos instruction and my site is working charming Thank you again ❤️
  6. Hi there!! First of all im glad you are back and i must say i missed you I want to move/migrate my website here with you if is possible cause in the past it shows that there isnt better hosting then you guys!! You Rock!! I have created a small portfolio for my artwork and i want to move here because is more stable. My username: hmradio Website i want to move/migrate: https://www.designzs.tk/ P.S. if is possible because is free domain i hope is not any problem if not is not a problem Best regards Sofija
  7. I cant login, to be honest i was busy for a long time and i notice in some emails that has cpanel changing and i was unable to login. I thought that maybe need few days so i can be able to login but then i had very bad period work and corona and i didnt try again till now. My site is still working so i guess im not suspended. user: hmradio server: Tommy website: http://allrockandheavy.tk/ Thx in advance
  8. Thank you
  9. Thank you, thats is just what i needed to know
  10. Hello to all, im seeing this message for days but i dont know what it means, should i wait to be fixed or is it something that i need to do. From the message link i have my backup downloaded but im not sure what to do. Best regards and thx in advance.
  11. Working now, Thank you Byron
  12. yeah... ill wait for the admins
  13. Found it, my main domain is hmradio.heliohost.org and i dont have it in addon domain
  14. i think no, i dont know anything about that
  15. But when i try to install joomla is not there on the list
  16. Cache cleared but still same error when i try to add the domain (XID kv7kc3) A DNS entry for “iloveheavymetal.tk” already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed.
  17. I want to add my domain again on your host but im getting this error A DNS entry for the domain “iloveheavymetal.hmradio.heliohost.org” already exists. Help pls
  18. Username: hmradio Server: Tommy Main domain: hmradio.heliohost.org Transaction ID: 9AH0134415683622PThank you for the great service and all your support!!!
  19. Thank u guys i really appreciate your work, any how i can repay you for the hard work (i know donate does the job, i will do it those day soon, soon as i get some on my paypal) and other way like banner on my website or promotion on my facebook page (627 k fans)... Anything that is interesting for u, and thank you again!
  20. i think is ok now not seeing that privacy page anymore... maybe is ok now to install joomla And this is showing the green tick Matches Common Name or/and SAN
  21. i was using on the previous account, the hacked one (metals) maybe is something connected with that... and now on the new account i notice this error when i tried to install joomla.
  22. I have some issue with my domain, the company said that i should check out with you... In their ssl checker everything is ok just this : Doesn't match Common Name or/and SANs I dont know what that means
  23. i have no idea i noticed when the installation is over. i will try to fix that, maybe reinstall. Any idea why i cant install with https:// only not with https://www. my domain if u want to check https://iloveheavymetal.live
  24. uhh do i need to reinstall to 3 or is ok to continue with 2.5. I dont know why didnt install the new version
  25. i got joomla 2.5 and i think there is no update. i think i will try to modify the theme that comes with joomla, just to figure where.
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