Feel free to go ahead and remove me from the queue. I have gone elsewhere for free web hosting. If you guys can't get something like this resolved in a few days, that does not build any confidence in me that the web hosting will be very good.
Awesome, thank you.
I also just put up a notice to the users that the site may be intermittently available during the move, to prepare them for any downtime.
I'll let you know if I can't login after a couple more days...
I signed up for a new free account about 26 hours ago. It does not appear to be setup yet, as I have been trying the Cpanel login from the main screen.
My question is... I am moving an existing domain and site. Can I set up the new site here without changing the DNS until I have all the files moved and in place? I would rather not have my site down for days while waiting on the DNS changes to propagate.
I should mention my logon id is lodguild and the domain I would like to move is legionofdarknessguild.com.