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  1. ok thanks
  2. Hello I'm (was) a Stevie user Is it possible to move to tommy? my domain is aeneasphotography.gr Thanks a lot
  3. a. my HelioHost username: kissos b. the server my account is on: stevie c. my HelioHost main domain: www.aeneasphotography.gr Blocked again!!
  4. All good, everything restored!! Can we know how this happened?
  5. I have backups .. No probs with that. Want to erase?
  6. a. my HelioHost username: kissos b. the server my account is on: stevie c. my HelioHost main domain: www.aeneasphotography.gr regards, Atrotos
  7. Ok removed that file If problem exists pls inform me Thanks a lot
  8. I have completed the above steps for removing Malware " Trojan.Perlscript" Can you verify that is ok?
  9. Hello Heliohost username: kissos server: stevie Main domain: aeneasphotography.gr My account got suspended and i click renew account - type in cpanel username: kissos and i get error message We're sorry, but we either could not find that account in the database, or it is not listed as inactive. Please contact an administrator if you feel this message is in error. Thanks in advance
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