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  1. It seems that my domain "isaacz.org" is ok now. "www.isaacz.org" can be opened.
  2. An Addon domain I config it at "addon domains"page.
  3. yesterday, I registered "helionet.org" with name "isaacz". "isaacz" could pass the verification because of the bad Email address. So I registered "isaacz168" on current forum. On current forum, "helionet.org" I registered "isaacz" and "isaacz168". "isaacz" is useless. I think I shoud have posted this thread at Contact HelioNet. On "heliohost.org", I only have "zjboy.heliohost.org". On "heliohost.org",username is "zjboy".
  4. Still empty It is as the same as on #12. So I don't upload the picture this time.
  5. Still empty. Does it need to wait some minutes or hours?? PS: I am dalong's freind. He is busy now. He asked me to contact you.
  6. The day before yesterday, I add my domain "isaacz.org". On the page http://www.isaacz.org, it is still "HelioHost Account Queued". But I found "isaacz.org" in cpanel. Please help to solve it. Thank you. Domain: zjboy.heliohost.org username:zjboy
  7. Yesterday, I registered here with the account "isaacz". I used the Email address "isaacz@163.com". Unfortunately, the Email "163.com" couldn't recieve your verification Email. I tried to change my Email address, but I failed. After that, I registered "isaacz168" with "isaacz168@gmail.com". It is successful. Now, the account "isaacz" is useless.Help me remove it. Thank you. Maybe I made a mistake, helioNet forum account issue shuld be post at "Contact HelioNet". Sorry. Please move there, if necessary.
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