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Everything posted by evolving

  1. Thanks wilco
  2. Hi, last Sunday I set up a new domain testthiswebsite.co.cc and saw the normal que up page it is still not up and now it is saying server not found checked www.co.cc and it is pointing here and the spelling is correct for the site the site does show in the /public_html folder I set up another site on tuesday and just uploaded it and that is running fine cpanel username = fixit hope someone can take a look and figure out what is wrong best to you all, ~J
  3. I too am having addon domain issues. cpanel username = fixit Sunday I set up testthiswebsite.co.cc and immediately pointed it to ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org and then went to cpanel and added the domain. I took a long time to resolve. Now I just added djyaah.co.cc throught the same process. It also took also took several minutes to resolve. I then looked in addon domains and neither are showing, however, looking in file manager they are both showing in /public_html I uploaded to testthiswebsite.co.cc on Sunday also and received the standard helio 24hr approval screen which I just checked and still have the waiting on approval screen. Did I do something wrong? Will it show up in the addon domains after approval? thanks for any responses, ~John
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