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a charmed girl

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  1. no...really aint kiddin lol it's really easy..and the best way to learn a language really good is to go to a place where they speak it...so... it's not really that much of a problem..lol the only problem u can have if ur american or british is with the accent..
  2. i prefer hear me and addicted...this 2 are really her best songs
  3. hahah i know this one! but i still enjoyed it! lol it's really funny
  4. wow it's really cheep! it cost a lot more in here!
  5. nokia is really great! i love the designs and everything...i got 3100...n it's really nice...(although i hope ma dad will buy a new one (with a camera) for me..
  6. i love it! i love all mace comps http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore/ i wanna get a powerbook or an imac
  7. i like dial up! cable internet her sucks
  8. google is great with every search...i always find what i want on the first-second page...
  9. wow i hate him too! lol shiri maymon - ahava ktana
  10. i have lot's of british friends cause im british...but still have some problems with english...even though they alway correct my mistakes..lol where r u from?
  11. it's really easy to learn...lol u can learn about all of it in a month or 2..
  12. im not from argentina...but i know a bit of spanish from "rebelde way" "chiquititas" "floricienta" "monieqa braba(dno how u write it..)" n some more nobelas...lol
  13. aww lol thanks! my brother n sister study french at school...i dont..
  14. wow! i can't wait to see the movie, i loved the other two so much!
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