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Everything posted by Zackman

  1. Hey man, hope you like it here
  2. Who here has seen both of them? Amazing movies, cant wait for the 3rd And aparently they alreadt have plans for a 4th one Guess they dont mess around
  3. The MI sereis never stops amazing me. This 3rd one was the best
  4. ACDC, Guns and Roses, RHCP, Rolling Stones, Slipknot, AFI, Jet, Strokes, Aerosmith, Godsmack, and of coarce Billy Talent
  5. Chili Peppers... One of the greatest bands to ever rock this world, my mp3 is %30 chili peppers
  6. Zackman


    Well seeing as it is now down to the colts and the bears for this years superbowl... I hope the colts win, Payton Manning is my hero
  7. Science seems the funest for me. Dont have math untill second semester, dont know how it will be though. English is depressingly boring
  8. I find firefox to be the best one of the two, just seemed more flexable for some reason... anyways, I'm stuck with IE untill I get my own computer
  9. HTML (Mostly) Ive latly been trying some php though, not to good at the moment...
  10. I find that mine loads fast
  11. I prefer hotmail over the rest, It seems easy to use
  12. Ya, smf is included in this host, In fantastico
  13. Thanks, I am hopeing to put some things to make it better soon
  14. http://zackman.heliohost.org/home.html That is the first thing I have ever done in html ever! It is the site for my game I just started it today and i have been putting all my html knoledge to work here (Yes, Im new) So if you could post comments, I would be really happy
  15. Oh i see, I was wondering why mine was so different
  16. Ok, Thanks for trying
  17. Oh ok, lol, Tell me if you find anything
  18. Well im pretty new with IPB, I can give you FTP acess to the forum directory if you need it
  19. Do you think you can fix it? (And i trust people to easy 0_o) lol
  20. Yup, I PMed you with the details
  21. Nope, There is nothing on the shop in there http://zackman.heliohost.org/boards/index.php?act=idx << Thats my board, Can you see anything wrong with it?
  22. Where is forum options? I dont see it anywere
  23. Where would it be? I search all the IBAdmin options
  24. Well i installed an IPB board through my cpanel, And i am trying to put IBShop on it, I have it on and it looks like everything works, But You dont receive money for posting, Or if i edit the persons money (So there is no money) I can give you acess to the directory where the forum is, And admin acess on my forums if you agree to help me, I dont have much (Like 180 Credits here) so i can give you those, If you can i would be very gratefull
  25. Ya, I remember when the 9/11 happened, That was a HUGE suprise to me when i saw it on TV
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