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Everything posted by eric235u

  1. is your url correct? what does it say in your error logs? do plain html pages work? my site is functioning. hope that helps.
  2. i finally got it working. i created a database in cpanel. then i created a schema in phppgadmin with the same name as my username. since $user is in search_path my user will now get access to the schema. so my php code can now use the db. :-) i still haven't been able to get this for other users created via cpanel as postgresql keeps complaining about the new user not being a member of the role of my default user name. my default user does not have the permission to alter roles. so it appears if somebody wants that functionality they would have to request it from the admin. i could be wrong. if there's anybody else using postrgresql please let me know if i misunderstand. anyway all is well. many thanks for your time guys.
  3. we had a problem the other day where i was able to view other people's tables when i used the cpanel create database link. this was escalated and appeared to be resolved. see: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?sh...ic=5419&hl= now it appears there may be an issue with the default schema. i can still create a database using cpanel but i can't use it. i'm unable to interact with it without creating and specifying a schema. this isn't a big deal and i can do it but i just wanted to verify this is how we should be doing it on the server. i think the way it should work is that when you create a database in cpanel it automatically creates a schema the same as the users name. then when the user connects they would automatically use their own private schema and would not have to specify a schema in their sql. please see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/interac...CHEMAS-PATTERNS create schema prod_schema; SET search_path TO prod_schema,public; show search_path; -- note that it doesnt show my new schema -- $user,public -- i think that the schema $user, which should be my user name, is never created CREATE TABLE errors ( "when" time without time zone, what character varying(100), who integer ); -- note that this does now work with the following error. -- ERROR: no schema has been selected to create in CREATE TABLE prod_schema.errors ( "when" time without time zone, what character varying(100), who integer ); -- note that this does work as i specified a schema.
  4. i'd be glad to help out in whatever way i can. thanks man.
  5. hi. no problem about dropping my tables. i do frequent backups (like everybody should). here's what i see. 1. when i create a new database it no longer creates the odd unrelated tables. this is good. :-) 2. in my main database, eric235u_test1, there still is one table. it is called 'cadastro'. and it has three rows of data in it that i can select from but i can not drop the table. the owner of the table is 'doritos_postgres'. as a work around i'll just drop the db and start fresh. hey if you guys ever want another part time support assistant just let me know. http://www.linkedin.com/in/echadbourne https://savannah.nongnu.org/people/resume.php?user_id=74395 many thanks for your quick assistance!
  6. cool man. thanks for your help.
  7. hi, i do not see a table or database called djbob_test2. my db is called eric235u_test1. fwiw i can read the data in one of the other tables. i hope that others can not read my data.
  8. hi all. i notice that when you create a new database using cpanel it creates some odd looking tables. http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/psql/index.html my first thought was that my new site had been comprimised but it looks like maybe that's not the case. possible the admins have some type of automagically generated tables for test purposes? it seems quite strange behavior and i am not able to drop the tables. just thought i should mention this in case it is a larger problem. how to reproduce. 1. create new database with cpanel. use the postgresql databases link. 2. via phppgadmin look at the newly created db. 3. in my case there were two tables created that i could not drop. comic owned by dbescom and cadastro owned by doritos_postgres. any tips on what is actually happening most welcome. thanks.
  9. i'm new here but i would wager you have done something incorrectly. i created an account and logged in fine. where are you getting the error and what is the error?
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