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Everything posted by Umbreon

  1. Umbreon

    Addon domain issue

    Ok ive waited 3-5 days and i still havent had a fix.... once the domain is fixed im taking your advise on using a parked domain rather than a addonon one.
  2. i cant delete it as it doesnt appear in the Cpanel
  3. thank you, if you looked at my forum i have 11 members i a small amount of time and they have been pestering me for a new domain for it >_> Ive even had hate mail......
  4. parked domain: http://umbreonboards.tk Heliohost Account Name: Mazot24 Domain name: http://umbreononline.tk
  5. Ok for 48 hours my parked domain has had Account Queued and its an urgent thing for my site as its a domain move for our forum, Also the parked domain doesnt appear in the Cpanel but if i try to re-park it says "Domain already registered"
  6. Umbreon

    Addon domain issue

    ive added an addon domain but it was account qued for 24 hours then it canceled so i added it again but it doesnt seem to appear in the Cpanel....... but i cant try re-adding it or it says "domain already registered"
  7. Thanks
  8. Ok by the title it should tell you my problem, i keep getting a 500 error , i can log into the Cpanel but only via the Heliohost address i cant do [my site name]/cpanel login, any tips or fixes as this is constantly happening while im installing my site :angry:
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