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Everything posted by Arian

  1. My Domain : mobi.heliohost.org Username: rahman Help.! I cant change my domain.! I intend to replace the old domain(gumerfc.co.cc) to new domain(dudamiskin.co.cc) as a parked domain, but if I replace it I get an error message. There was a problem creating the parked domain. Error from park wrapper: Sorry, you are not allowed to add any more than (0) parked domains!
  2. I want to change my old parked domain with new parked domain. I removed my old parked domain(gumerfc.co.cc) than i adding new parked domain(dudamiskin.co.cc) but i got error message: There was a problem creating the parker domain. Error from park wrapper: Sorry, you are not allowed to add any more than (0) parked domains! DOMAIN: mobi.heliohost.org Username: rahman Can u fix it for me..?
  3. Thanks byron..! Its great, .htacces file now can working. God bless you.
  4. So you can't delete or add addon domains? Sorry with my wrong quote byron. My problem is coldnt change old parked domain(gumerfc.co.cc) by new domain(dudamiskin.co.cc). If i click add button in form parked domain i got error message.There was a problem creating the parked domains. this error appear : Error from park wrapper: Sorry, u are not allowed to add any more than (0) parked domains.! Thanks for your reply Byron, i'll be waiting for your next reply. So you can't delete or add addon domains? Sorry with my wrong quote byron. My problem is coldnt change old parked domain(gumerfc.co.cc) by new domain(dudamiskin.co.cc). If i click add button in form parked domain i got error message.There was a problem creating the parked domains. this error appear : Error from park wrapper: Sorry, u are not allowed to add any more than (0) parked domains.! Thanks for your reply Byron, i'll be waiting for your next reply.
  5. I have same problew when i change my old domain with my new domain. My old domain is gumerfc.co.cc and my new domain is dudamiskin.co.cc username: rahman my domain at heliohost org mobi.heliohost.org
  6. I have gallery folder that have foto folder to store file from gallery uploader. But i cant acces file in foto folder cause .htacces code inside foto folder to prevent file uploader not suitable for heliohost.org hosting. The script code .htaccess like this RemoveHandler .php .phtml .php3 .php4 .php5 .php6 .phps .cgi .exe .pl .asp .aspx .shtml .shtm .fcgi .fpl .jsp .py AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .php .phtml .php3 .php4 .php5 .php6 .phps .cgi .exe .pl .asp .aspx .shtml .shtm .fcgi .fpl .jsp .py php_flag engine 0[/code] I think code inside .htaccess file not suitable for heliohost.org hosting and i got 403 error message, how to change that code to match with heliohost.org hosting. Thanks
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