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  1. Oh, I didn't realize the underscore was removed. It works. Thanks so much. ^^
  2. After registering, I got that error email again. Anyway, it looks like the site is somewhat functional because something does show up now when I go to 'www.u-don.cz.cc' (as opposed to a redirection to a search engine telling me that the site doesn't exist). Except when I try to sign into the cPanel, it doesn't work. I tried logging in as 'u_don' with the password I signed up with. To access the cPanel, I even tried going to both 'www.u-don.cz.cc/cpanel' and the link you provided above. When I tried the link you gave, the prompt came up, and I tried entering the corresponding information to no avail. When I tried 'www.u-don.cz.cc/cpanel', this message came up: So it appears I'm in the same position as I was at the beginning of this thread. And as before, I already have the nameservers set to 'ns1.heliohost.org' and 'ns2.heliohost.org', if that makes any difference... Now what? :/
  3. Yes. I've tried all lowercase.
  4. I've been there. I still don't know what password to use. I have tried many times using the password I signed up with to no avail. The account didn't seem to have been created until a few days after a particular problem from another thread (http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=5179) was reported. So I don't know what password was given to that account as it might not have been created as a direct result of my signing up prior to the closing of that thread. The password I have tried signing up with a few times (before that thread was closed) did not work when I tried to sign in. Oh, and my domain is 'u-don.cz.cc' and my username is 'u_don' (U_DON, but it probably got converted to lowercase).
  5. Registration in the past week was a little iffy, but it appears that my account has finally been created somehow. Perhaps it was manually created by the admin or something. The problem now is signing in. I didn't receive an email about my account getting successfully installed. And I didn't know what password to use to sign in. So I requested a password reset, and was told that a confirmation code would come via email. The email didn't come. What do I do now?
  6. Same here. Same problem as before. :/
  7. I have encountered this problem as well. Tried signing up twice only to receive an e-mail telling me that my "hosting account at HelioHost has been installed" followed by an e-mail with the same error stated in the TC's post. Username: U_DON Domain: u-don.cz.cc
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