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Everything posted by hot115

  1. thanks your help
  2. it didn't appear on my addon domains list it shows: No Addon Domains are configured.
  3. my cpanel name: cabale addon domain name:chenqisheng.com help me to clear the "configured" data , so that I can add it again Thanks in advance!
  4. I want to add a new addon domain But there may be some errors when the first time I added it on Jan 1st. When I try to add it again, it shows: QUOTE There was a problem creating the addondomain. Show Details Error from park wrapper: it is already configured. I think it will need some time to take effect. But 1 Week past, it seems not work. I can neither see it in Addon Domains nor in Parked Domains. I wonder if someone can help me to clear the "configured" data , so that I can add it again. My Cpanel user name is "cabale". Thanks in advance!
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