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Everything posted by BumBuliiC

  1. But Installed the same on other host and there are no grabled character...
  2. The problem is somewhere in host, because i tried to make a webpage with the same files on other host, and there everything is FINE. So the problem is somewhere in the host
  3. OK i will ask in Fusion forum... Thanks Wizard
  4. No with PHP-fusion everything is OK, when I build webpage on my PC with same files that in this host eveyhing is OK, but in host Admin panel is not in right encoding. I think that the problem is somewhere in mysql datebase...
  5. Yes ofcourse... That problem is only in Admin panel , anywhere elsi like in Downloads, Forum is fine...
  6. Hi... I'm installed PHP-Fusion v7 with my country language "Latvian". At First everything loks fine, but when i go to Admin panel the language is garbled like this: (there are "?" where is needed character like " ē ū ī ā š ģ ķ ļ ž č ņ " Can you say what is the problem and how to fix it??? I'm very sorry for my bad English.... ScreenShot001.bmp
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