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  1. I recently had to reactivate my account but followed the instructions per the e-mail I received from HelioHost. After this, I tried to log in with my password but was told that it wasn't correct. I then attempted to reset the password. I received the reset e-mail and tried to reset, first, by copy and pasting the confirmation code into the cPanel page that was originally opened with the password reset request first being sent. This merely made the webpage flash a little and load but only showed the "enter the confirmation code" page again. I then figured that I should try the direct links given to me in the password reset e-mail I had received. This also resulted in the same problem. Given this problem, I thought that perhaps my account had not reactivate correctly and that I may need to try reactivate again. This time, I was given the following error: "We're sorry, but we either could not find that account in the database, or it is not listed as inactive. Please contact an administrator if you feel this message is in error." I then thought that perhaps my account had somehow been deleted and tried to sign up for an account using the same details for the domain name (using the account name: neoparax). But I got an error stating that, yes, the domain still exists. I'm quite confused here. On one hand I'm getting told my account doesn't exist and not being able to properly reset my password, and on the other I'm being told it does exist. Is there anything that can be done about this?
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