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  1. Now the next issue: I bought a domain: www.dirmp3.net Now everything works, even shinyer then version on heliohost. (Matching words in bold, using google custom search, with "unlimited" domains to exclude (rappidshare etc)) But For google adSense I need to agree to this: "I will not place ads on sites involved in the distribution of copyrighted materials." In fact...the mp3's distributed with this script are probably copyrighted... Any suggestions? Anybody had succes with other add services? Regs
  2. And why? According to John 17:3, this leads to eternal life...
  3. Thanks, that would probably be it then.
  4. Hi, I'm using 4 frames in my index and there is a big chance one of the 4 will return an "Internal Server Error" when opening the page at first. Might this be because the server detects too many connections at the same time? I don't want to argue about the fact that I AM using frames, I have my own, well considered opinion in this. Thanks
  5. Welcome to helionet/heliohost! Good luck with your website EDIT: Why does everyone seem to post hellos in the java request section? Maybe something to do with "Hello world"?
  6. Do you have experience with this? I was thinking of registering for a host at 1and1.com where you get a $25 dollar google add voucher. I like the textual "Adds by Google", they don't attract too much attention...but when I would place them on my site...I'm wondering....would people click on it?
  7. Hi there, Due to not logging in on cPanel in time my account got deleted, but I've registered again. I made some drastic changes as well. First of all the user interface, having the visited links in a slight darker color makes it a lot easier to remember which links obviously didn't work. Next to that a piece of code which registers when a file link is right-clicked in the player, this would mean it is a real mp3 because the user wants to store it. These links are listed for other users who might be interested. Future features: - Check if links are really an mp3 - First browse trough list of known mp3s - Flash player Enjoy! O...and tell your friends if you like it openmp3.heliohost.org Please read the disclaimer for legal info
  8. openmp3

    System Time

    Don't you think the server's time is GMT? Maybe you can try php's date-default-timezone-set(): http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date...imezone-set.php O and maybe try asking more nicely next time, maybe people are more willing to help you.
  9. Byron: It is maybe not a robot crawling deep trough websites to index them and find new links, but it does crawl trough the search results of google looking for matching lines. Since open directories are often so big, this is a lot easier. With the build-in player the issue of pop-ups etc. is eliminated. Suika: Thanks! What happened to the pirate bay was one of the reasons why I questioned this. It's a bit hard of course, but I reckon the pirate bay wasn't really a criminal site. Like you said, it didn't host files, well torrents, but that is nothing more than a textfile containing the tracker(s).
  10. Hi, I'm wondering if it would be legal to download files found with a script that crawls trough open directories. I've written a script that searches for mp3s. It is hosted at openmp3.heliohost.org. I'm wondering if I could get juridical issues with it. Also, I'd like to know your views on this. Thanks, opensoftwaredev
  11. Yes of course, I believed you, but I was stubborn
  12. So funny that it DOES work with CURL, but maybe in the future Google will block that too?? Anyway, now that it is working, maybe you can use it if you like: http://openmp3.heliohost.org It searches open-directories for mp3 and with help of javascript it makes a table of links in those directories, corresponding to the search query. It sorts the table on relevance.
  13. Thanks mate! I'll try to find another host where it is possible, which I probably won't find for free, and then I will modify my code using CURL.
  14. Thanks for demonstrating that, and you're right, it just works. The thing was that my script didn't give me the results I hoped for because of the following reason: I'll have to find another workaround for this one. Thanks for the support Byron!
  15. I'm sure that would work since that is local. Maybe I should have been more specific with "url". I ment an external URL, like On my local webserver this works, but not on heliohost (yet) PHP.net: fopen After this you can read the stream line by line with fgets() and execute code accordingly. This is diferent from PHP.net: file_get_contents where you have to walk trough your output string after the complete page was downloaded. Especially with huge open directories (which I also want to open) this takes way more time, believe me. Thanks a lot for the effort of trying though! Could you try an external link for me?
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