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  1. LAUBi

    System Time

    that didn't solve it though the dates are saved wrong in the table in mysql and the php script displays only THOSE dates.. :/ edit: mysql is actually using the system time, isn't it?
  2. LAUBi

    System Time

    lol, didn't even mention that... im sorry ^^
  3. LAUBi

    System Time

    hmk sorry, no i don't think, without modifying anything about time the time is about 9 hours behind that can't be GMT ^^ The idea with the time including into php is not bad, but the dates are incorrect in mysql as well... Maybe anyone else can help?
  4. while being logged into cpanel you can't access your page, mentioned that too :/ logg off and you can access again...
  5. LAUBi

    System Time

    Heyho outa there, i got a disgusting problem, the server time is [bleep] up... all my mysql entries refer to the wrong time and so my homepage entries are displayed with a wrong time, i always have to recalculate the time can anyone help me to change the server time? Thanks
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