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Everything posted by Norway174

  1. a. your HelioHost username: Norway17 b. the server your account is on: Stevie c. your HelioHost main domain: kspmm.Norway174.com I have cleared my cache, I even loaded the site fine earlier. When I logged on one of the forums I had set to locked, I noticed that it had still gotten new spam post. So I log into the forums CPanel, and disabled everything. Which was the las thing I got to do before I had to run. When I got back, my site was suspended again. I think it's the spam bots that must have flooded that forum, or something. I thought disabling everything would be enough until I got back and could download a backup. If by some miracle, I could get unsuspended again, I promise it won't happen again. I have already removed the domain from my domain provider. So no traffic will go there anymore. I was also about to remove the addon-domain from the main CPanel. And I won't bother with the backup of that site anymore. It's clearly not worth it. ​I'm sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused. Especially two times in a row. I feel really terrible.
  2. a. your HelioHost username: norway17 b. the server your account is on: Stevie c. your HelioHost main domain: kspmm.norway174.com I'm not sure if I have broken the ToS or the used too many resources. I'm pretty sure it's not the inactivity, wasn't that long ago since I last logged in. So I apologize if I have done anything wrong. And I would like to know what went wrong. And if we can possible fix this? There's at least one addon-domain I plan on deleting and freeing up those resources. (ss13.TerranCom.net) If not, is there any chance I could get a backup from the two other domains? (kspmm.rway174.com and sc.TerranCom.net) Thanks, - Norway174
  3. Thanks. Got it working now.
  4. Hey, I can't login to my account, norway17 on Stevie. I got an email 17.11.2012 saying it was inactive. And I didn't try and reactivate until last week. So then it wouldn't let me, saying my username wasn't recognized. So I figured it might have been deleted, so I tried to make a new one. But then I got another error, saying it couldn't make the account. So I Googled the problem, and found another thread on this forum. Saying it couldn't register a new one because the IP was still stored in the database. Not sure if that's my problem or not. But any help would be appreciated. Thanks, - Norway174
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