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Everything posted by mihir96

  1. heliohost username :mihir96 server : stevie heliohost domain : winners4ever.in i am really sorry but it seems that trying to run cron jobs every 30 mins seems to be creating a problem and getting my account suspended. it will not happen again if you can just direct me on what the problem is..running the cron job
  2. i am not trying to crash the server , thank you very much. yes i am trying to run cron jobs at a gap of 30 mins..that is twice every hour. is that too much? if it is please do inform
  3. the cron jobs i set up on the cron job section in cpanel keep on disappearing within 5 mins. also the email id updation for the cron job logs keep reverting back to original. what should i do?
  4. My HelioHost username: mihir96 The server your account is on: Stevie My HelioHost main domain: www.winners4ever.in
  5. I am sorry to say this but my account is still suspended and I am still unable to login into the cpanel system. I dont know of any other way to take backup and fix my website . Can u please redirect me on how to login and fix the problem? The cpanel still shows my account to be suspended Please help me out
  6. Username : mihir96 Server : Stevie Heliohost main domain : winners4ever.in
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