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Everything posted by eoacosta

  1. I want to reactivate this account
  2. eoacosta Johnny seguimientounah.heliohost.org/ I want to reactivate this account
  3. eoacosta Johnny seguimientounah.heliohost.org/
  4. I want to go back to have java support in my account eoacosta and domain name seguimientounah.heliohost.org/ and server name Johnny
  5. okay, thanks. But I want to go back to have java support in my account eoacosta
  6. Yes, because this is the only account that I have.
  7. If I understand the rules about multiple users. I want to know what user accounts are in my name? Because I have created only one registered user account with the user name "eoacosta" and emilsonacosta_17@yahoo.com email and domain name seguimientounah.heliohost.org/. For this reason I do not understand the reason for the suspension of the account. Thanks
  8. eoacosta Johnny seguimientounah.heliohost.org/
  9. I want to know if everything is ready to use and upload files java jsp?
  10. Hello, I would like to know when will be available the domain I created in Heliohost, the domain name is seguimientounah.heliohost.org, when I write the address in the browser I get the following message: HelioHost Account Queued. regards
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