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Icon Web Technologies Inc.

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Posts posted by Icon Web Technologies Inc.

  1. I think I may have a similar problem here. I signed up as iconweb (or iconwebtech, can't remember which exactly now), and I used an msn email account. I have not recieved a confirmation/activation email and I tried to signup again with the same name but have been getting error messages about something (not sure what) being wrong and the signup fails. Please if you can send an activation email like you offered above, from an unblocked email address, I would appreciate because to be honest, after failing to signup here I tried to do so on other free providers but none of them come close to your services. I really want to host with you guys. My email is ezeuba@msn.com, on the other hand, if you cannot send to msn you can send to ezeuba@gmail.com.


    Thank you.


    The reason you are getting errors is because you already registered using that ip. If your sign up was successful the first time than you don't need to confirm it, just go to your cpanel like this:




    But I doubt that it's going to work because we are having registration problems at this time.



    I think my registration was iconweb but the password I cannot tell if I forgot or maybe it does not work due to system issues. I've been trying to access my cpanel but with no luck since the last post. Please can you help me out. Help me reset my login password, then send the reset notification to ezeuba@gmail.com.


    Thank you once again.


    PS. I have already changed my nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org.

  2. I can barely discern what you are saying. Please use complete sentences and check your spelling.


    If the concern is that your email is incorrect, then why don't I just change the email on your account? If the concern is that you need your password reset, then I can send a password reset email to your Hotmail from an unblocked account.


    I think I may have a similar problem here. I signed up as iconweb (or iconwebtech, can't remember which exactly now), and I used an msn email account. I have not recieved a confirmation/activation email and I tried to signup again with the same name but have been getting error messages about something (not sure what) being wrong and the signup fails. Please if you can send an activation email like you offered above, from an unblocked email address, I would appreciate because to be honest, after failing to signup here I tried to do so on other free providers but none of them come close to your services. I really want to host with you guys. My email is ezeuba@msn.com, on the other hand, if you cannot send to msn you can send to ezeuba@gmail.com.


    Thank you.

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