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  1. YidSoftware


    Or you can use groups.google.com, or freelists.org Just google it! (see my avater )
  2. I think I fixed an infinite loop. I'll try deleting them now.
  3. I wrote most of it myself. I have a bug tracker too though, but I haven't even looked at it yet.
  4. Can someone tell me what these core.##### files are? I just deleted about 65 from my root directory, and they're using up all my disk space! EDIT: They're not just in the root directory, they're everywhere! EDIT2: And I get 500 internal errors sometimes, after I delete them
  5. Thanks. But daily limit exceeded
  6. Was this fixed now that djbob is back? Username: yid Domain: yidsoftware.com
  7. Maybe this should be pinned, so not everyone asks it
  8. If you need help, I can do PHP/SQL.
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