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Everything posted by jp904

  1. HI team, I tried to reset Cpanel login password, but end up with unsuccessful, as i did not receive any confirmation code. I haven't login for a while. Please assist. My username is jp904 Cheers Jase
  2. Great! My account has been reactivated. In order to avoid this issue happen again, I need to login to Cpanel regularly. Could you please provide the method how to reset Cpanel Password? Thank you again
  3. a. your HelioHost username JP904 b. the server your account is on https://johnny.heliohost.org c. your HelioHost main domain catchofau.com Got an error HELIOHOST ACCOUNT SUSPENDED Ahoy! You're seeing this page because we, HelioHost, have been forced to suspend this site. This may be because: The account was taking up too many system resources. Because HelioHost is a free webhost, we have many accounts on our servers. If one account is using too many resources it slows down the server for everyone. Therefore, we are careful to suspend any account that is using more than its fair share of CPU cycles and memory. Note that more often than not, a HelioHost account's overuse is caused by running cron scripts too often. Other causes include running resource-intensive scripts, such as proxy software. The account has become inactive. If the control panel of a HelioHost-hosted website is not accessed for a period of one month, the account is declared abandoned. If you are the webmaster of the site, you can visit this page to reactivate your site. The webmaster broke the Terms of Service The Terms of Service is a list of rules which the webmaster agrees to follow when signing up for an account. This list disallows, among other things, the use of this account to host pirated material, pornography, or illegal activities of any kind as defined by the State of Washington and the United States of America. If you believe this account has been suspended in error you are welcome to create a thread in the support section of our forums, HelioNet. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you, The HelioHost Staff Even after "reactivate Account", still not able to login to Cpanel, neither I can change Cpanel's Password Please Assist Regards Jason
  4. Hi Support I have exactly the same issue as "Neoparax" Please assist Thank you
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