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sir KitKat

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Everything posted by sir KitKat

  1. Did you wait 48 hours? It could take up to 48 hours until a DNS change takes effect regards, sir KitKat
  2. I'm writing the php code on my computer and I upload the code to the www folder using Secure WebDisk. This take a lot of my time and sometime, after connecting with the Secure WebDisk I can't get on my website (500 Internal Server Error). To speed up the process I installed a local server (Wampserver) and I want to run the code local, checking for error's and such. If I have a piece of code I can upload it in one time to the www folder. The same file/folder tree as on the website is easy with the Secure Webdisk but synchronizing the database is the problem. To work around this problem, I want to use the database from heliohost instead of my local database. Question: How can I access the database from my computer? I tried: $DB_con = mysql_connect('stevie.heliohost.org','skitkat_skitkat','*********'); without result Also i'm using a firewall (Linksys WRT54GL) regards, sir KitKat PS: some extra functionality could be performing task on the database without exposing the 'script' on the www
  3. I changed some code and it works perfect thx <?php //Open directory $www = "/home/skitkat/www/"; $path = "Files/"; $dir = dir($www.$path); //List files in directory while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_file($path.$file)) { // the is_file() function needs a path from the place the code is executed (www for me), not a file name echo "$file<br />"; } } $dir->close(); ?>
  4. something like that, I want a list of files in the /www/Files/ directory after the list, I set an form to add files to the directory The php code that handles the uploaded file has to copy the file in the /www/Files/ directory and check if it has to overwrite or to move regards, sir KitKat Thx, btw, for the quick response
  5. I want to use the function dir to put a list of files in my database, the list of files is in my www directory. When i use the dir function, i don't get my files but i get in the root folder of the server <?php $d = dir('/'); echo "Handle: " . $d->handle . "\n<BR>"; echo "Path: " . $d->path . "\n<BR>"; while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { echo "$entry \n<BR>"; } $d->close(); ?> result: /./ /../ /selinux/ /lib/ /.lesshst/ /scripts/ /.viminfo/ /sbin/ /home/ /boot/ /usr/ /httpd.conf/ /media/ /access-logs/ /README.archive/ /opt/ /mnt/ /misc/ /lib64/ /net/ /proc/ /etc/ /.autofsck/ /sys/ /.bash_history/ /lost+found/ /tmp/ /.spamassassin/ /quota.user/ /var/ /dev/ /aquota.user/ /bin/ /.autorelabel/ /srv/ /.rnd/ /root/ first of all, how do i get my files? second, how come i see the server files. Isn't that suppose to be hidden ? regards, sir KitKat
  6. The reason i logged in on the forum and my problem is all ready submitted ( does any one know the link to the phpMyAdmin, yesterday, this part worked on my home computer with a direct link )
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